Tuesday, May 10, 2005


Introductory Statement

For Palestinian rights; against the proposed academic boycott of Israeli academic institutions

Signed by (all in a personal capacity):
  • Tobias Abse (Goldsmiths College, University of London)
  • Camila Bassi (Sheffield Hallam University)
  • Andrea Brady (Brunel University)
  • Ofer Cassif (LSE and Ahva Academic College)
  • David Degani (Technion - Israel Institute of Technology)
  • Robert Fine (Warwick University)
  • Catherine Fletcher (Royal Holloway, University of London)
  • David Hirsh (Goldsmiths College, University of London)
  • Margo Huxley (University of Sheffield)
  • Alan Johnson (Edge Hill College of Higher Education)
  • David Merhav (Haifa University)
  • Jon Pike (Open University)
  • Phil Semp (University of Teesside)
  • John Solomos (City University London)
  • Yair Timna (student, Haifa University)
  • Matthew Waites (Sheffield Hallam University)
  • David Wood (University of Newcastle upon Tyne)
  • Nir Zeid (student, Tel-Aviv University)

As democrats, socialists, advocates of Israeli withdrawal from the Occupied Territories, and supporters of the right of the Palestinian people to an independent state of their own, alongside Israel, we call on British academics to reject the moves for a renewed academic boycott of Israel due to be debated at the council of the Association of University Teachers on 20 April 2005.

We urge them to consider the arguments against the boycott from Israeli academics who criticise and oppose Israeli government policy.

Neve Gordon of Ben-Gurion University, for example, has pointed out the inconsistent standards in singling out Israeli universities for boycott.

"Some of the boycotters come from countries that are also responsible for much oppression and suffering... [and] Israel could not carry out its policies without the ongoing support of the United States..." Should we boycott US universities too? Why is Israel singled out? The new moves for a boycott attempt to refine it, proposing boycott of only three of Israel's eight universities. But boycotts do not make good precision tactics, and in this case can only feed into the long-standing and high-profile campaigns for a general boycott of all Israelis and all Israeli goods.

Neve Gordon also points out: "Israeli universities have been under an unprecedented assault by the Sharon government... An academic boycott will only strengthen [the Israeli right], and in this way assist the destruction of academic freedom in Israel".

Gordon himself has been denounced by the Israeli right as "a fanatic anti- Semite from the monochromatic (Red) Department of Politics at Ben-Gurion University." To the argument that it is the "institution that will be punished for not taking an institutional stand on the illegality of the occupation", Gordon replies: "It is precisely the institution that enables Israeli professors - regardless of their political affiliation - to voice their views, suggesting that an assault on the university is in fact an assault on its faculty...

"To fight the anti-intellectual atmosphere within Israel, local academics need as much support as they can get from their colleagues abroad. A boycott will only weaken the elements within Israeli society that are struggling against the assault on the universities..." Far from helping the Palestinians, a boycott will hinder the democratic dialogue and accommodation on which prospects for a free and independent Palestinian state alongside Israel depend.

To add your signature, email Camila Bassi.

Other material on the boycott

AUT statement on the decision, on 22 April, to boycott two Israeli universities

Response from Faculty for Israeli-Palestinian Peace (Lynne Segal, Irene Bruegel, Richard Kuper)

Further letters to the Guardian from Mary Kaldor and others

Letter from Eve Garrard

The pro-boycott argument: British Committee for Universities of Palestine

Education Guardian report on the campaign for the boycott

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